
Cyber Security Hall Of Fame -
Selection Process

“ Nominations are sent in by leading cyber security companies and organizations around the country that support the mission of “Respect the Past - Protect the Future ”. The nominations will be evaluated by the Cyber Security Hall of Fame Advisory Board leaders that have had a significant impact in the building of the cyber security community..”

Cyber Security Hall of Fame Selection

The Cyber Security Hall of Fame Selection Committee consists of at least thirty (30) individuals appointed by the Chairman, whose mandate is to review nominations and make recommendations for inclusion to the Cyber Security Hall of Fame

It is intended that the Selection Committee:

(a) Be generally, but not necessarily exclusively, composed industry leaders, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Information Officers - who have a strong connection to cyber security;

(b) Be broadly representative of areas throughout the cyber security global industry;

(c) Have among its membership individuals knowledgeable of the industry leaders and various technologies from which may be nominated;


Each member will serve a two (2) year term. Members of the Selection Committee whose terms expire may be reappointed for a further term, subject to an aggregate limit of six (6) years of service (except as otherwise extended by "special resolution" of the Board of Advisors).

To allow for continuity, the first fifteen members of the Selection Committee will have their first term set for three (3) years to create board continuity.